Monday, July 30, 2012

a cHaIR foR A sTAr!!

This is the first chair that I have done that has not been for a child.  It was so much fun! I had many issues with it along the way but it ended up fabulous! I was actually tempted to tell them something happened and I wouldn't be able to deliver (not really)! I really wanted to keep it though!!

The chair was ordered for Estrella (Star) Longoria by her mom, Angel.  Star graduated this year from Mason and is attending college in San Marcos.  Star is a singer, and from what I hear, a fabulous one. The special touch I was able to put on the chair was her autograph!  Her mom sent me her signature and I was able to duplicate it on the back of the chair.

So, thank you so much Angel for giving me this opportunity to create a chair for your special girl.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this seat!!!

Estrella's autograph

Two front legs

Side view

"I don't sing because I'm happy, I'm happy because I sing"!

Back view

Close up!!

Close up!!

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