Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shopping carts in junkyards???

Today I went to Brady to get some paints and was going to run by my grandparents to pick up my 68 Chevy tailgate I was buying from the Brady Recycling Center.  He hadn't picked it up yet so we ran out there together to get it and see what other goodies I could find. I had some little things in mind!! We asked the guy if we could walk around and look and he said sure and told me where to park.  When we walked back up he was standing there with a shopping cart!! Really?? I couldn't help but just bust out laughing and actually, the laughing continued until we left!  Now, I go enough places with my grandfather to know that he likes to push the basket because it gives him better balance (plus, I was still laughing too hard to push).  So away we went!  My grandaddy is 84 years old and when he has his little better balance basket in Wal-Mart or HEB, that man can move.  He doesn't browse or waste any time.  He zooms down the aisles and takes corners on two wheels.  It was pretty much the same way at the junkyard!!  I would be looking at something and turn around and he was gone!  I'd hunt him down, look at something and he was gone again.  Now I'm laughing not only because I know I now I have a sEriOus jUnkIn addiction, since we are pushing a shopping cart around but I'm also laughing at the fact that my grandaddy is a nut job! I hope I can move like that at 84.  Now that man is on a mission!  I'm pretty sure the men working there thought we had gone nuts!  Oh well!  It was absolutely the highlight of my day!

Oh, and as for the awesome tailgate (yes, tailgates can be awesome), they didn't have time to take it off today.  Grandaddy will zoom out there again tomorrow and hopefully pick it up for me. 

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